Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Content may not be suitable for some readers! Viewer discretion is advised

Okay this isn't very tasteful but it is what I have experienced and what you will now experience by proxy.

Last week... while at a youth activity... I was accosted by Harrison, Jared and Rachel who asked Keith Mines and I if we would eat someone's poo for $1 Million.

Keith was livid. He said that was a stupid question and the conversation needed to change. I suppose I fueled the conversation with my remarks.

"Would it be boiled like a stew or frozen like a popsicle?", I inquired. Harrison laughed that I would even consider it.

"Yes" I added, "I would do it!"

Keith then piped in with his verdict, "I would too, no question about it."

The kids couldn't believe it. They said there is no way on earth they would do it. I attribute that to either being accustomed to having life's necessities and comforts provided for them or the fact that they are just plain innocent kids who don't dwell on the temporal things of this earth.

I must be so far gone.

Truth is, I would probably attempt it for $50,000.

Anything less than that wouldn't be worth the hit on my self respect.


Ryan and Katie said...

what if it wasn't human poo?? I know someone who had his poo eaten... wow, as if I can say that!

Jessica said...

Doesn't cow poo just consist of grass and plants?

D said...

I won't even say how low I'd go...

The Dillabaugh's said...

my dog eats the stuff all the time...how bad can it really be??