Monday, July 23, 2007

Hey boys lets ride!

I know I missed my Sunday update but I have good reason and thats all I will say about it. Here is a tardy update.

number 2 (Anders) wants so bad to be like number 1. When we go on walks through the neighbourood he refuses a free ride in the stroller so he can try and keep up with Konrad on his bike. The problem?...Konrads bike is much faster than the trike. Oh, that and Anders can't really pedal. Here is what I am talking about.

This week Konrad was showing me how he can ride his bike without his training wheels touching the ground. I thought it was neat and praised him for it without even seeing the opportunity. Jenn caught it though and took the training wheels off. He's riding like a champ now. Good luck catching up to him now Anders.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Anders would have done very well as a Flintstone.